I found my Sozo prayer session to be powerful and cathartic. In the past two years I have experienced a good variety of losses. I have taken the hits on the chin and struggled on, thinking I had left the worst of it behind me. In my prayer session, I became aware that I had been dragging a load of fear, resentment, pain, unforgiveness, anxiety, hopelessness, and fatigue from each of my losses. The session helped me to understand and identify the negative emotions that had taken root in my soul. As I identified emotions and where they resided in and on my body, I could feel their weight as I sat. The manner in which you used imagery showed me how to give my burdens to Jesus for disposal, and accept the light that he offered in exchange. The imagery led me step by step, ever closer to God so that he could develop me.
I found the prayer ministry members to be genuine, as they felt my pain and offered me hope in Jesus. The note taking was particularly helpful because it was a concrete tool that would lead me back to forgiveness and reliance on the Lord.
I found the prayer ministry members to be genuine, as they felt my pain and offered me hope in Jesus. The note taking was particularly helpful because it was a concrete tool that would lead me back to forgiveness and reliance on the Lord.