Shalom is a Hebrew translated into the English word “peace”. However, the English word “peace” does not adequately convey the full meaning of this word. Shalom is better understood as an embodiment of the English words: peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, welfare and tranquility. It is also viewed in context to the individual and his/her relationships. For the individual it implies “peace, harmony, wholeness…” between his/her body, soul and spirit. In relationships, it implies “peace, harmony, wholeness…” between the individual and his/her family, church, community and God. Physical Healing: Physical healing is the healing of the body through prayer. Illnesses and diseases may be caused by physical or natural reasons. They may be also have generational, mental, emotional, volitional and spiritual roots. (Core Values & Perspectives) Inner Healing: Inner healing is the healing of the broken soul. The brokenness of our soul can cause us to understand, feel and behave wrongly toward God, ourselves and others. Brokenness can also be an entry way for evil spirits to harass us. It may come from generational iniquities, personal traumas and poor choices. All of us have painful past experiences that still influence us today. Despite our efforts to be healed or forget, sometimes these pains are deeply lodged inside of us. We need to receive inner healing. Inner Healing Prayer invites the Lord to minister to these painful and broken places in our lives. When we open our brokenness to Jesus and allow Him to enter a past hurtful memory; we are able to experience His love, truth and grace which often lead to significant breakthrough, freedom and healing. (Core Values & Perspectives) Deliverance: Deliverance is setting the captive free from demonic harassment. As Christians we are eternally saved with the Holy Spirit in our spirit man. However, our bodies can be afflicted with sickness and disease. We can be tormented by lies, negatives emotions and driven by additive behaviors. We need to receive freedom. (Core Values & Perspectives) Shalom Prayer Ministry: Initially SBCRC's prayer team has received training from Vineyard’s physical and deliverance ministries. For inner healing, we were trained in Sozo and other inner healing methods. We have incorporated the best tools from all of these into our SPM sessions. The Bible tells us that Jesus not only came to heal the sick, bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free, but he also came to give us life abundant. When we give our physical needs, emotional pains and lies, and our bondage to Jesus, and experience healing, truth and freedom through Him. We then can better live that abundant life he desires for us. |