These are the stories of those who have been impacted by the ministry and want to give glory to God for the profound ways they were met and healed. If you are inspired be these stories, you are welcome to make an appointment below!
It has been one of the greatest, most delightful moments of my life where I felt so one with God... It's been too long since I heard so clearly from the Lord.
- October 8th, 2020
- October 8th, 2020
The Father's Lap
My relationship with Father God has been good for many years. The mistrusts of Father God caused by Satan through the brokenness with my earthly father have been largely healed. I know many biblical truths regarding Father God. However, there was still something missing in my relationship with Him. I was still not as intimate with Father God as I felt that I should be.
During one of my personal inner healing sessions, I saw a picture of myself in the woods. In my spirit, I knew Father God was waiting for me in a clearing in the forest. I wanted to go to Him, but I was still filled with fear. Suddenly the Lord Jesus appeared. I told Him that I was afraid to approach Father God. He said, ”Hold on to me. Fix your eyes on my face and my eyes. I will lead you there.” For the next hour and a half, I grabbed hold of Jesus as he led me through the woods. I locked gazes with His eyes. Slowly He led me through the thickets, bushes and trees. Finally, we stepped into Father God’s presence, in the clearing. Father God was on His throne. He was delighted to see me. The Lord Jesus handed me to Father God. I was lifted onto His lap as a little child. For the next fifteen minutes, I was bouncing on Father God’s lap. I have never felt such freedom, acceptance and love.
Since that inner healing session, my personal relationship with Father God has improved dramatically. I am currently enjoying a relationship that I never knew possible. I have greater confidence in approaching Him in prayer. I have a deeper understanding of His heart. Praise the Lord.
During one of my personal inner healing sessions, I saw a picture of myself in the woods. In my spirit, I knew Father God was waiting for me in a clearing in the forest. I wanted to go to Him, but I was still filled with fear. Suddenly the Lord Jesus appeared. I told Him that I was afraid to approach Father God. He said, ”Hold on to me. Fix your eyes on my face and my eyes. I will lead you there.” For the next hour and a half, I grabbed hold of Jesus as he led me through the woods. I locked gazes with His eyes. Slowly He led me through the thickets, bushes and trees. Finally, we stepped into Father God’s presence, in the clearing. Father God was on His throne. He was delighted to see me. The Lord Jesus handed me to Father God. I was lifted onto His lap as a little child. For the next fifteen minutes, I was bouncing on Father God’s lap. I have never felt such freedom, acceptance and love.
Since that inner healing session, my personal relationship with Father God has improved dramatically. I am currently enjoying a relationship that I never knew possible. I have greater confidence in approaching Him in prayer. I have a deeper understanding of His heart. Praise the Lord.
Freedom Through Love
After more decades of spiraling down into despair, rejection, and failure to flourish as a Christian, I was giving in to sin and bondage. I was quickly sinking and nearly left Christianity in order to live in my sin without either confrontation or my own negative effect on the Christian community. I was hesitant to even ask for help as I thought there was probably no hope for me. The people at SBCRC have truly been the incarnate Body of Christ to me - they conveyed the love of God to me - God with skin on. With a combination of their love and prayers, God freed me from the bondage of my sin - some from the last months, some from the last decade, some a lifelong trapping. I have begun healing and restoration in a way that I am beginning to function in the Church in a way I had given up on. Most of all, because of the effective love and care I received, I am certain of the Love God has for me and can’t imagine ever going back again.
- March 20, 2019
- March 20, 2019
Recovering from the Loss
I found my Sozo prayer session to be powerful and cathartic. In the past two years I have experienced a good variety of losses. I have taken the hits on the chin and struggled on, thinking I had left the worst of it behind me. In my prayer session, I became aware that I had been dragging a load of fear, resentment, pain, unforgiveness, anxiety, hopelessness, and fatigue from each of my losses. The session helped me to understand and identify the negative emotions that had taken root in my soul. As I identified emotions and where they resided in and on my body, I could feel their weight as I sat. The manner in which you used imagery showed me how to give my burdens to Jesus for disposal, and accept the light that he offered in exchange. The imagery led me step by step, ever closer to God so that he could develop me.
I found the prayer ministry members to be genuine, as they felt my pain and offered me hope in Jesus. The note taking was particularly helpful because it was a concrete tool that would lead me back to forgiveness and reliance on the Lord.
I found the prayer ministry members to be genuine, as they felt my pain and offered me hope in Jesus. The note taking was particularly helpful because it was a concrete tool that would lead me back to forgiveness and reliance on the Lord.
Uncovering and Healing
"I came in and was almost a little nervous about what was going to transpire. But what He revealed I really did not have that on my mind or my heart. I didn't know the Lord was touching those deep memories and hurts and possible "attachments" until we started to pray and my heart was laid bare. What was helpful for me was that the Lord had been over months, maybe even a couple of years bringing to the top the rejection issues. That was something that was very apparent. He also exposed my fear. But..never linking it all together."
The Healing of a Father from the Father
"Every time I was approached by a man, I always heard a voice say "They despise you." For years, I was unable to come close to any man, no matter the situation. During my Sozo session, the Sozoer felt compelled to represent my father and ask me to forgive him for the many ways that he had wounded me growing up. He also spoke a prayer of blessing over me. Now, just one week after Sozo, I have forgiven my father and I don't hear that condemning voice anymore. I am finally able to interact with men and I praise the Lord for the transformation and freedom he has given me!"
© South Bay Community Resource Center