I'm happy to report that I've been doing considerably better since our last prayer session and I have been regaining my sense of identity and confidence in the Lord! The feelings of self-hate have not harassed me since.
"I came in and was almost a little nervous about what was going to transpire. But what He revealed I really did not have that on my mind or my heart. I didn't know the Lord was touching those deep memories and hurts and possible "attachments" until we started to pray and my heart was laid bare. What was helpful for me was that the Lord had been over months, maybe even a couple of years bringing to the top the rejection issues. That was something that was very apparent. He also exposed my fear. But..never linking it all together."
I found my Sozo prayer session to be powerful and cathartic. In the past two years I have experienced a good variety of losses. I have taken the hits on the chin and struggled on, thinking I had left the worst of it behind me. In my prayer session, I became aware that I had been dragging a load of fear, resentment, pain, unforgiveness, anxiety, hopelessness, and fatigue from each of my losses. The session helped me to understand and identify the negative emotions that had taken root in my soul. As I identified emotions and where they resided in and on my body, I could feel their weight as I sat. The manner in which you used imagery showed me how to give my burdens to Jesus for disposal, and accept the light that he offered in exchange. The imagery led me step by step, ever closer to God so that he could develop me.
I found the prayer ministry members to be genuine, as they felt my pain and offered me hope in Jesus. The note taking was particularly helpful because it was a concrete tool that would lead me back to forgiveness and reliance on the Lord. "Every time I was approached by a man, I always heard a voice say "They despise you." For years, I was unable to come close to any man, no matter the situation. During my Sozo session, the Sozoer felt compelled to represent my father and ask me to forgive him for the many ways that he had wounded me growing up. He also spoke a prayer of blessing over me. Now, just one week after Sozo, I have forgiven my father and I don't hear that condemning voice anymore. I am finally able to interact with men and I praise the Lord for the transformation and freedom he has given me!"
"All my life I woke up with a feeling of gloom and doom hovering over me. I had forgotten what it felt liketo be happy. I decided to seek Sozo prayer where I experience the touch of God very tangibly. After Sozo I feel very hopeful and I can finally smile for the first time in my life. "
"I was waiting at the curb for my ride to pick me up after Sozo. Immediately I noticed the trees were greener and the flowers were more colorful. After my husband picked me up, he got lost on the way home. Normally I would have gotten really upset with him but instead, I told him that I enjoyed the romantic ride home. I could not believe how much lighter I felt and the change that I saw in myself!"
"I feel like a new woman armed and ready to serve the Lord. I feel liberated as an ambassador of the Lord. I've never heard His voice as much as I did last night. I am stronger in what it means to hear His voice. The world feels different."
后发现却存在的现象。而且感谢神,其中新的启示为我带来新的突破新的成长! SOZO主要是通过对心中显明过甚至未显明过的“不饶恕”,来医治释放,再经过一系列“饶恕”“斥责 谎言”“宣告”等来正确确立神在我们心目中的形象。因为“饶恕”是得自由释放的钥匙,选择饶恕会带 给身心灵的自由和平安,但饶恕确实需要操练。通过SOZO,很多我自以为觉得不存在饶恕不饶恕的问题 ,确实显明出来,像一根根刺一样,我总是选择忽略那痛,但它确实一直存在,且阻挠我灵命在主里成长 以及肉身在世界平安喜乐的生活。 我从没想过也不敢想,神会让我饶恕他。我印象很深的几幅画面,现在想起,内心依然悸动。在开始时, 我被问到“父神”和“耶稣”在我心目中的形象分别是怎样。我脑海中分别出现“天空中威严苍老的面孔 俯瞰地上的奔腾的千军万马”和“离我忽近忽远的影视剧中类似的耶稣的形象”。后来我亲自一遍又一遍 地问神:我心中有怎样的不饶恕,求你向我显明。主向我显明了我心中有过的不饶恕,还有我埋藏的,忽 略的不饶恕,最后是我想都没想过的不饶恕。其中有来自家人,朋友,最后来自于神。我没有想到,家人 朋友对我的伤害,我内心深处也觉得神也是这样对我的。比如家人对家庭的不负责任带给我的伤害,家人 不为我设身处地着想一味给我压力,朋友表里不一的背叛;我竟然也把神也视为有的时候对我不管不顾, 言语不一,只为国跟义,只在乎灵命不在乎我的肉体的这样一位神!虽然是来自于误解,但是神和蔼的叹 息说:“你还需要饶恕我。”我真的哈利路亚感谢神!对我如此的爱! 后来针对这些“不饶恕”,我在同工指导下,自己亲口求神斥责这样的谎言,把“不饶恕”统统赶出去! 但是在这过程中,我脑海浮现了一个奸诈诡狞的面孔:翻白眼的小眼睛,牙齿参差不齐,吐舌头,歪脖子 ,嘲笑我。然后同工们帮我继续斥责这样谎言的灵!后来那个头突然滚到地上没有生气了,然后它被架在 木十字架的中央,被大火吞灭了。SOZO过后我甚至很久都想不起那张脸原来的样子,只有从同工记录的 当时我的口述中,我才有些模糊画面。感谢圣灵的释放! 快结束的时候,同工问我,现在“耶稣”在我心中是怎样的形象:我看到之前耶稣的形象,他手中向天空 托着一个婴儿,一开始单手,后来双手;同工问我“那婴儿是你吗”,我非常肯定的说“是!”。然后“ 父神”的形象:比刚才耶稣的形象更年长些,但不是苍老,他站在云彩里,双手张开掌心向上,但他的身 体中间有个大洞,像是门,现在的我就站在里面,我的身后是云彩的阶梯,阶梯的尽头是光的尽头,然后 画面一转,他牵着我的手,慈爱的看着我,一起走向光的尽头,那场面,就像父亲天天放学接孩子那样平 常。然后圣灵的带领告诉我说:你心中以前一切的谎言都是虚假,神从你是婴孩儿时就将你高举托起看顾 你,甚至将自己的身体作为保护伞来爱你,爱你的全部,无论灵魂还是肉体!他是道路,是门,通过他, 你将走进光的国度:)最后,我的眼泪已经不能表达我的感恩了。 短短两小时的SOZO,虽然开始时有些疑惑跟忐忑,但过后真的让我与神经历了从来没有过的亲密,虽然 来自基督教家庭,从小受“熏陶”,这样的尝试真的对灵命成长以及在世界上的应尽的本分有很好的辅助 !感谢神!感谢为主为人尽心竭力的同工!” |
SOZO TestimoniesShort recaps that give glory to God for individual's experience in SOZO Ministry. Archives
January 2017
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